
As fellow beings, we occasionally experience an inexplicable warmth for some of our colleagues and feel drawn to care for them. As children, we were always told to keep a watchful eye for those around us in need and not hesitate to offer them our assistance. As adults, although we aren’t as open to expressing our care for everyone in need around us, we cannot help but feel the extension of our concern for most of our colleagues. This introduces us to the emotion of compassion. Simply put, compassion refers to the emotional response to others’ suffering and an innate desire to help. Compassion typically paves the way for prosocial behaviors: behaviors conducted with the intent to benefit others and encompassing a wide range of actions displaying empathy and concern for others.

As adults, we tend to spend most of our time socializing at our workplace. Research suggests that compassionate workspaces receive an overall positive response from fellow employees and create new frameworks within the employees to understand each other. Compassion in workplaces has powerful consequences that can affect the nature of work and the work culture positively. As an employee, the source of receiving compassion also plays a crucial role in the employee’s emotional stability. A study suggests that when compassion is received from supervisors, an employee experiences a decrease in distress, whereas compassion from co-workers is more important for increasing employees’ positive mental well-being. Furthermore, studies conducted on compassion also display a positive impact on employees work engagement, a reduction in the experience of work-related emotional burnout, better professional behavior, and enhanced job performance, among many other benefits.

Wondering how you can illuminate your workspace by practicing compassion? There are a few easy steps that you can adopt for better work experience. Compassion in the workplace can be brought about by noticing and paying attention to the suffering of a fellow employee, understanding what is causing others’ distress by having an open dialogue with them, empathizing with the employee, and taking thoughtful, skilled, and appropriate action to help relieve others’ suffering, helping them cope more effectively. There are also various tools to measure the experience and practice of compassion in various contexts, including the workplace. Various training workshops for compassion at the workplace help employees gain a better hand at being compassionate individuals, both personally and professionally.

Although compassion has been a common upbringing principle for most of us, it is easy to identify it lacks nowadays. This can be observed in the dearth of empathy within our society. Adopting an individualistic lifestyle could possibly explain the missing proverbial ‘brotherhood’ amongst most adults today. Research suggests that displaying a lack of empathy can eventually lead to miscommunication, conflict, and damaged professional relationships. There is a dire need to address and reinstate the practice of compassion in our personal and professional lives. This could be an indication of the need to revisit our childhood roots and engage with our morals.

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